Drugi o nas

David Taylor, Businet General Manager

Businet is a network of Higher Education institutes. It has over 140 member institutions , which are located in 35 countries. In Slovenia we have one member, and that member is Doba Business School.

Businet exists to enable and encourage members to work together for the benefit of the institution, the staff of the institution and, most importantly, the students of those institutions.

Doba Business School is a member that really embraces the networks raison d'être, and they are one of the most proactive institutions in the network. They are a “go to” institute for other members when they get together to discuss European funded projects, because of their experience, knowledge and reliability. In recent years they have been, and are involved in, 4 projects with other Businet members, and they are involved in more applications in the current round of bidding. This shows tremendous commitment from an organisation of its size. I have been involved in all of these projects and can say, without any hesitation, that Doba played/plays a pivotal part in each project they are involved with. The projects range from developing work based skills for employees, to gaming, to using virtual reality in education. A wide range of topics that enhance the knowledge of staff working on these projects, but also delivering a final product that can be used withing the institute or community. They are also involved in projects outside of the Businet network.

The Internationalisation@home working group of Businet is also led by a staff member of Doba. As an institute Doba has always led the way in digital education. Their ability to develop new curriculums and make them accessible to individuals across borders is amazing, This is not a new thing, to my knowledge they have been doing this since the very creation of the institute.

I first met representatives  of Doba in 2003 and I am delighted to say that it has been an honour and a privilege to work with the institute since then. I don’t know of a more progressive institute of its size. It has the ability to embrace change and not see change as a threat, but as an opportunity – an opportunity that it takes using innovative approaches to the challenge.

The first twenty years have been exceptional and in 20 years’ time I am sure someone will be saying the last 40 years have been exceptional, because Doba shows an insatiable drive to move forward, to innovate and to improve.

Dejan Andonov, program Coordinator at Institute of Communication Studies

The international curricula that we offered together with DOBA enriched the professional competencies, but also the personal and soft skills of hundreds of students, needed for long-term career opportunities. With DOBA, we created a new model of internationalized teaching and learning in a virtual environment that enabled students from the Adriatic region to engage in international collaboration, working and learning together as a group. The different experiences, approaches and cultural backgrounds were ideal also for both organisations for mutual learning and introducing innovations in the educational approach. For ICS, the long-term cooperation with DOBA has contributed to a greater exchange of knowledge and an increased competitiveness of the study programmes.

prof. dr. Boris Cizelj, prvi dekan DOBA Fakultete

S ponosom in velikim zadovoljstvom praznujemo to obletnico, saj je DOBA v dveh desetletjih dosegla res zavidljive rezultate. To seveda ni slučajno in potrebno je ugotoviti kateri so glavni razlogi za doseženo.

Prepričan sem, da je prvi in bistveni dejavnik pravilna vizija in programski koncept, ki ga je postavila in ga vsa ta leta pooseblja direktorica  DOBE, Jasna Dominko.

V razmerah, ki zasebnim visokošolskim zavodom niso posebej naklonjene, je DOBA sledila svoji misiji ob upoštevanju temeljne opredelitve, da morajo študenti pridobiti ne le ustrezen korpus znanja, ampak tudi tiste kompetence in veščine, ki jih od njih pričakuje trg dela 21. stoletja.

Medtem ko so glede tega mnogi v svetu in tudi pri nas še vedno v dilemi, si je potrebno ogledati programe najboljših svetovnih univerz, da bi se osvobodili te umetne dileme, oz. akademskega tradicionalizma. Dejstvo je namreč, da univerzitetno izobraženi ljudje že dolgo niso več tista družbena elita, ki jih je za to vlogo pripravljala univerza vse do poznega 19. stoletja. Danes je med mladimi že najmanj tretjina univerzitetno izobraženih – ki so nedvomno dragoceni del človeškega kapitala sodobne družbe – niso pa več tista elita, kot so bili nekoč.

Drugi dejavnik uspeha DOBE je bila hrabra opredelitev za online študij, ki je pedagoško še posebej zahteven, kar pa je bilo nagrajeno z več mednarodnimi priznanji in uglednimi uvrstitvami ter pozitivnimi ocenami študentov.

Omenimo še tretji dejavnik, enega od stebrov DOBI-ne filozofije. Gre za pozornost, ki je namenjena ocenjevanju profesorjev s strani študentov in upoštevanju njihovih predlogov. Saj si drugače ne moremo niti predstavljati delovanja DOBE, ki študente obravnava kot partnerje v skupnih prizadevanjih za lepšo, bolj trajnostno prihodnost!

Sven Cerulus, International Relations Adviser (Faculty of Management), UCLL University of Applied Sciences

 Our successful collaboration with DOBA Business School has its roots in the Businet network, where we first met and started collaborating on joint projects in 2015. Our official partnership, however, was forged in 2019, when we signed our first official Erasmus+ agreement, thus facilitating the exchange of students and staff. Ever since the ties between both institutions have been growing stronger and stronger over the years, owing to both partners’ continuous efforts to innovate and learn from each other as well as together. The truly open mindset of the DOBA Business School team certainly adds to this atmosphere of lifelong learning. 
Throughout our common history, DOBA Business School has proven to be a committed and reliable partner institution. Marina Letonja, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at DOBA Business School, for instance, has for years now been a most valuable coach in UCLL’s COIL project Working Across Borders, whereas Nina Turčin, Erasmus Coordinator at DOBA Business School, has always been a true asset to the coach team of UCLL’s hackathon Hack the Waste. In addition, personally also got to know Nina as a hard-working and ambitious professional in the Businet context, where we together chair the Internationalisation@home working group. 
My heartfelt congratulations go out to DOBA Business School on the occasion of this milestone in the institution’s history. The DOBA Business School team can really pride itself on the hands-on education which it delivers, training graduates with a strong personality fit for the workplace. I am convinced that the institution will maintain its success in the years to come, delivering ever more professional and interculturally competent alumni to society. I already look forward to many more years of professional collaboration and warm friendship.

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